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While traveling can be fun, it can also be stressful. There’s a lot to organize and arrange before you go, even for something relaxing like a vacation. Traveling with a pet can be even more stressful, for both you and your pet, especially when you’re flying. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to research everything you can ahead of time so you can rest assured that you’ve got everything taken care of.
First, you need to decide if flying with your pet is truly the right choice. Typically, it’s not recommended to fly with a pet unless it’s necessary. Flying can be stressful for pets, and in many cases, it’s not worth the hassle to bring them along, especially when the trip is short. If you’re going to be gone for two weeks or more, or if the move is permanent, then you’ll want to bring your pet with you on the flight. If the trip is for only a few days, however, consider boarding your pet instead.
Some airlines may restrict which pets can fly with them. The airline will make its decision based on the following criteria:
The airline may decide not to allow your pet to board the plane at all. If your pet is older and in poor health, the airline may not feel that it is safe for your pet to fly with you. Plus, there are laws regulating pets on aircraft. For example, your pet must be at least eight weeks old and weaned for at least five days before being allowed to fly. Some airlines ban certain breeds, such as snub-nosed breeds, because they have breathing issues that can be worsened on planes.
If your pet is qualified to fly with you, then you’ll need to determine whether or not your pet can fly with you in the cabin or whether they’ll need to fly in the cargo hold. Typically, a pet’s size is the most important factor. Pets that are small enough to fit inside approved carriers that can fit underneath the seat in front of you on the plane are allowed inside the cabin. Pets that are too large to fit in those carriers will have to fly in the cargo hold, which is more stressful.
Some dogs are too large to fly even in the cargo hold, so check with your airline ahead of time to make sure that your dog meets their size requirements. Additionally, some pet owners choose not to fly their pet at all if they have to go into the cargo hold. This is because it can be stressful for the pet.
If your pet is small enough to fit under the seat in front of you, you can bring them into the cabin with you. Your pet’s carrier will count as your carry-on luggage, however, so you may need to check a bag when you wouldn’t normally have to.
It’s a good idea to register your pet with the airline as soon as you know you’re flying with them. This is because some airlines have limits on the number of pets that can be in the cabin at once. If this is the case, it’s typically first-come-first-served. This means that the sooner you let the airline know that you’re flying with a pet, the more likely you are to be able to bring your pet.
Plus, letting the airline know ahead of time that you’re flying with a pet is a courtesy so that it’s easier for them to make arrangements. For example, if someone is flying who has extreme pet allergies, it’s easier for the airline to accommodate everyone if they’re aware ahead of time.
Airlines usually charge pet fees. This can be up to around $200 for pets traveling in the cargo hold and up to $75 for pets traveling in the cabin. However, this may differ depending on the airline, so you should research this before you book your flights. It may also depend on the size of your pet. If you have a very large dog, for example, the costs may be even more.
If your pet is small enough to fit under the seat in the cabin, you’ll need to keep them in a carrier. Your best bet is to purchase a pet carrier directly from the airline you’re flying with. That way, you’ll know that it meets their requirements. If you’d prefer to use your own, airlines typically have size limitations. The carrier must also be a soft one, not a hard plastic one.
Your pet must also be able to comfortably stand up and turn around within the carrier.
If your pet is flying in the cargo hold, then you’ll need a hard crate. Pet owners are legally required to line the floor of the crate with an absorbent material, such as a towel or shredded paper. Check your airline’s requirements on the size and other possible requirements of a crate for a pet traveling in the cargo hold.
Whether a vet visit is required depends on the airline. Many require a signed certificate from a vet issued within ten days of your flight showing that your pet is healthy enough to travel. You may want to book your pet’s vet appointment ahead of time so that you know you’ll be on the vet’s schedule.
You’ll also most likely need to prove that your pet has had all of their required vaccinations. Different airlines may have different requirements for what documentation they want to see. You can keep digital records of these documents, but it’s still a good idea to bring paper copies with you just in case.
If you’re flying internationally, your destination country may have regulations pertaining to incoming pets. For example, some countries have quarantine periods for any pets flying in. This is another reason why many choose not to bring their pets along for shorter trips. Sometimes, the quarantine period can be longer than the trip itself! Additionally, other countries may have documentation requirements beyond what the airline asks for.
Flying is stressful for a pet. You should crate train them so that they’re comfortable sitting in a crate for long periods. For many pets, a crate or carrier can be a safe zone that will help them to be less stressed during the flight, especially if they’ve been trained in it ahead of time.
Whatever you do, however, don’t tranquilize your pet. While this may calm your pet, it can be dangerous for them in-flight. Vets don’t recommend tranquilization for this reason. Plus, the airline won’t let your pet on the flight if they’ve been tranquilized.
If you’d like to give your pet some anti-anxiety medication or Benadryl for the flight, talk to your vet first. Your vet can advise you on what, if anything, you should give to your pet.
You’ll need as much extra time as possible at the airport. Make sure to arrive even earlier than you would normally.
Be careful about how much food and drink you give your pet. There are limited options for where they can relieve themselves. There won’t be anywhere to do that in-flight, but airports typically have animal relief areas that your pet can use. Your pet can go without food for any length of flight, but for a flight longer than four hours, you’ll need to give them some water. A water dish will need to be secured firmly in the crate if your pet is flying in the cargo hold.
If your pet has to travel in the cargo hold, make sure to pick them up after your flight as quickly as you possibly can. Your pet’s already been waiting for a long time in the cargo hold without you. They’ll be anxious to see you as soon as possible.
Jun 06As a dog owner, you want to make sure that you give your dog only the best foods. That also means avoiding feeding your dog certain foods. This is because dogs have different food tolerances than humans and what may be healthy for a human could be poisonous for a dog.
The following foods are ones that dogs can’t eat because they’re harmful.
Chocolate is one of the more commonly known foods that is toxic to dogs. Dogs shouldn’t eat chocolate because of the methylxanthines in it. This is a stimulant that can cause a dog’s metabolic processes to stop. Even in small amounts, chocolate can cause vomiting and diarrhea. In larger amounts, a dog could suffer from seizures, heart function irregularities, or even death.
Even a little bit of onion can damage the red blood cells in a dog’s body, which can cause anemia.
Like onions, garlic can also damage a dog’s red blood cells, causing anemia.
Avocados may be delicious and healthy for humans, but they’re not good for dogs. Avocados contain persin, a fatty acid that can be toxic to dogs if ingested in large quantities.
Any part of the grape, including the seeds and the skin, are toxic to dogs. Grapes can cause a dog’s kidneys to fail and should therefore be avoided.
Raisins are essentially dried grapes and therefore have the same toxicity to dogs as grapes do.
Like chocolate, caffeine contains a stimulant. While that’s great for humans when we need a quick jolt of energy in the mornings, it’s not good for dogs and is toxic for them.
The only milk that dogs should be drinking is milk from their own mothers. Other than that, dairy products can be toxic for dogs, whether it’s from a cow, goad, sheep, or any animal other than a dog. This is because dairy products made from other animals’ milks contain fatty acids and sugars that dogs can’t properly digest.
Yeast dough can cause several problems for dogs. The first is that it can ferment in the dog’s stomach, which can result in alcohol poisoning. The second is that it can expand within the dog’s stomach, which is painful for the dog. While it may be tempting to give dough bits to your dog if you’re making homemade bread or pizza, you should avoid feeding them the dough.
In small quantities, sugary foods may not be terrible for your dog. However, be careful about feeding your dog too much sugar. This is because sugar can, in dogs, cause tooth decay, diabetes, and weight gain, just like it does in humans.
You shouldn’t feed your dog too many salty foods, either. This is because too much salt can cause your dog to get really dehydrated. Additionally, salt can also cause sodium ion poisoning in dogs. It’s okay to feed your dog little bits of salt, but be careful how much you’re giving them so you don’t give your dog too much.
Macadamia nuts are poisonous for dogs. It’s not known exactly what makes them so, but you should avoid giving your dog anything that has macadamia nuts in them, even little bits of a macadamia nut cookie.
You should also avoid feeding your dog almonds. They’re not toxic or poisonous, but they can splinter and get lodged in your dog’s throat and block their esophagus. Shards of almonds could damage your dog’s throat.
Cinnamon isn’t exactly toxic to dogs, but it can irritate your dog’s mouth. It may not be dangerous, but it could make your dog sick or uncomfortable. Plus, your dog could inhale it, which could result in breathing problems and coughing. Cinnamon could also lower your dog’s blood sugar, which could pose a health risk.
Many dogs love ice cream. However, you should avoid feeding it to your dog. It’s both sugary and a dairy product. If you find ice cream designed specifically for dogs, that could be safe for your dog, but it’s always wise to check the ingredients.
Just like sugar isn’t good for dogs, neither are artificial sweeteners such as xylitol. Xylitol, for example, could result in low blood sugar or even liver failure.
Alcohol has the same effects on dogs that it does on humans. However, dogs can’t handle nearly as much alcohol as humans can and even a little bit could be harmful, especially if your dog is small.
Fat trimmings, whether they’re uncooked or cooked, can be dangerous for dogs. They could cause pancreatitis.
Dogs love bones, don’t they? Unfortunately, a bone could cause your dog to choke. Another risk is that the bone could splinter and either block or cause damage to your dog’s digestive tract. There are bones at pet shops that are made of safer materials that you can get for your dog.
May 26Heat stroke can be dangerous for dogs just as it is for humans. As summer’s heat intensifies, it’s therefore important for dog owners to know not only how to treat heat stroke in their beloved pets but also how to prevent it in the first place.
Heat stroke, also called hyperthermia, is elevated body temperature, just like hypothermia is a body temperature that is too low. In a dog, it’s considered unusually high when the dog’s body temperature is higher than 103°F and is heat stroke when the dog’s temperature reaches 106°F. At 107°F or higher, a dog’s organs can start to fail and the dog could die.
Heat stroke in a dog is a medical emergency. Therefore, it should be treated right away. The first step is to make sure that the dog is in a well-ventilated area. The second is to try to cool down the dog’s temperature with cool water (make sure it’s not cold water). You can either pour cool water over your dog or you can place cool wet cloths on your dog. If you choose he second option, make sure to change them often so they don’t start to trap heat in your dog’s body.
It’s important to keep an eye on your dog’s temperature. If it’s down to 103ºF (or if your dog seems to have recovered), then you should stop treating the hyperthermia. This is because if you keep going, you could end up causing hypothermia instead.
Even if you think your dog has fully recovered from heat stroke, it’s essential to take your dog to the vet. Heat stroke can cause lasting damage if it goes on too long or if your pet got too hot, so it’s really important to get your dog checked out right away.
If your dog is suffering from heat stroke, they will show some of the following symptoms:
To prevent heat stroke in dogs, pet owners should be sure that their dog always has access to water and aren’t left somewhere that is hot and doesn’t have a lot of ventilation. Exposure to heat for an extended period of time, especially with no ventilation or water, is dangerous. It’s important to keep an eye on your dog and if you must leave them alone, ensure they’ve got plenty of water and where they are isn’t hot and has good ventilation.
A common cause of heat stroke in dogs is if their owners leave them in a car on a hot day with the windows up so there isn’t any ventilation. Another common cause of heat stroke is being left outside on a hot day with no shade or access to water. Other common causes include:
Dogs can start to overheat in only a few minutes. It’s important for dog owners to remember that their dogs don’t sweat to regulate their temperature like humans do because their sweat glands are many fewer in number and are located only on the bottoms of their feet. Instead, their primary way method of temperature regulation is via panting. They can therefore get a lot hotter a lot more quickly than a human might.
Book your appointment at our veterinary clinic.
Apr 25A constant worry for pet owners is the possibility of their pets eating something that they shouldn’t. There are many foods that humans can consume that are dangerous for pets, such as chocolate for dogs. But on top of that, there are chemicals and other substances that pets can get into that could also be poisonous.
Ideally, pet owners can monitor everything their pet eats, but that’s not always possible. There are times when pets have to be left alone. Pet owners also can’t control what a pet may find outside. Therefore, it’s essential that pet owners know what to do if their pet eats something poisonous.
If you think your pet has ingested something poisonous, keep an eye out for the following symptoms:
Not all pets will react the same way to a toxic substance. Some may not show any symptoms at all right away. Larger pets that have ingested only a small amount of a poisonous substance may also take longer to react. It’s important to also keep an eye out for signs that your pet has gotten into something they shouldn’t, such as an empty candy wrapper that none of the humans in the household have eaten.
Once you know that your pet has eaten something toxic, the first step is to remove your pet from the area with the toxic substance. Move your pet somewhere safe where they can’t ingest any more.
Once your pet is safe and is away from the temptation of eating or drinking any more, it’s time to call the vet. This should be done as quickly as possible. Don’t wait to call your vet until you’re certain your pet is experiencing the symptoms of toxicity. The second you suspect that they’ve ingested something toxic, call your vet’s emergency line. If your own vet doesn’t have 24-hour services, find the closest one that has emergency services after hours or call the ASPCA’s hotline at 1-888-426-4435.
Some pet owners may think they’re helping by trying to induce vomiting. However, many toxic substances might be caustic and could hurt your pet even more on the way back up. Only induce vomiting if your vet has told you to.
Some toxic substances can be absorbed via the skin. If you think your pet might have gotten some of a toxic substance on their fur, make sure they don’t groom themselves. You should only bathe your pet if your vet recommends it, though. Sometimes, a bath can cause a chemical to absorb further into the skin.
Follow your vet’s instructions for how to treat the toxicity. How to treat it depends on what your pet has ingested. Most likely, the vet will recommend that you bring your pet in for an emergency visit. The vet can then treat your pet with IV fluids, activated charcoal, induced vomiting, or other treatment steps that will help save your pet.
The following are some human foods that are dangerous for dogs:
The list of human foods that are dangerous for cats is very similar to that of foods that are dangerous for dogs. You shouldn’t feed your cat the following:
If your pet eats something that isn’t food, such as a sock or a piece of a toy, this can be dangerous. You should call your vet and take your pet in for an emergency appointment as quickly as possible. The item your pet has eaten could obstruct their airways or damage their internal organs if it’s not removed.
Some pets regularly eat non-food items, such as soap, dirt, or poop. This condition is called Pica and is the compulsive eating of substances that aren’t food. If you notice that your pet is doing this, contact your vet. While it may not be an emergency like the eating of a toy, it’s important to treat the condition and learn how to train your pet. Sometimes, pets who eat non-food items like dirt or soap are doing so because they are deficient in a specific nutrient.
If you’re concerned about your pet for any reason, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Phillip’s Animal Hospital. Our phone number is (407) 352-2579 and we have extended hours: 8 am to 11 pm Monday through Friday, 9 am to 7 pm Saturday, and 9 am to 5 pm Sunday.
Sneezing can be perfectly normal behavior for a pet. However, there are occasions when it’s a sign of something more serious. It’s important for pet owners to learn the difference so they know when their pet needs medical care and when it’s fine to let the sneezing pass.
Sneezing can be a part of normal pet communication, especially for dogs, who often use sneezing to communicate with each other and with humans. They sneeze when they’re excited, happy, or when they’re expressing submission. It’s important for pet owners to pay attention to when their pet is sneezing. If it’s always when they seem excited or happy, then it’s nothing to worry about and is more likely to be normal communication behaviors.
Definition Reverse sneezing is when a dog rapidly inhales air and is called reverse sneezing because a regular sneeze is rapidly expelling air. A reverse sneeze sounds like a snort, or like the dog is trying to inhale while simultaneously sneezing.
Common causes of reverse sneezing are often the irritation of the nose, sinuses, or the back of the throat from allergies, smoke, mites, odors, seeds, pollens, grasses, or secretions.
Reverse sneezing itself isn’t dangerous. However, if your dog does it a lot, you may want to visit your vet to find out if your dog has an allergy that needs to be treated.
Pets sneeze for a variety of reasons. They can sneeze because they’re excited. Dogs may sneeze when playing. They may also have allergies or experience irritation in the nose, just like humans. They may also be ill and need medical attention. If you see your pet sneezing persistently or see other symptoms along with the sneezing, take your pet to the vet. Antibiotics or other medication may be needed to treat their condition.
Both dogs and cats may sneeze out of excitement. To get them to stop sneezing, you can try to calm them down.
Dogs may sneeze while they play. They do this in order to show that they are playing and not seriously fighting.
Pets can get allergies just like humans. If you see that your pet sneezes around the same plants or other items all the time, then you can ask your vet if there’s an allergy medication that you can give them.
Also like humans, animals can sneeze if there is something irritating their nasal passages. It can be dust or something else airborne. It’s also possible for pets to sneeze because there is something lodged in their nose, so if your pet keeps sneezing, you may want to check their nose for any obstructions.
Pets can get nasal infections just like humans can. In addition to sneezing, you may also see such symptoms as loss of appetite and nasal discharge. A nasal infection in pets can be caused by an infected tooth or by a fungus or bacteria.
Small bugs called mites can get into the nasal passages of dogs and cause irritation. Frequent sneezing along with a bloody discharge are symptoms of nasal mites, which a dog can get from rubbing their nose in the dirt or from digging.
Older dogs can develop tumors in their noses that can cause them to sneeze. Typically, a nasal tumor is also accompanied by bleeding on only one side of the nose.
Cats can catch the feline herpes virus from other cats that already have the virus. This virus can commonly cause sneezing in cats. Cat owners should also know that it’s not contagious for humans, only cats.
Feline calicivirus is a very contagious virus that can spread between cats. The most common symptom of the feline calicivirus is mouth ulcers, but the virus can also get into a cat’s respiratory system and cause sneezing or even pneumonia.
In dogs, dental problems can sometimes cause sneezing. Damaged teeth, abscesses in the gums, and oral tumors can all result in sneezing, especially if the dental problem has been left untreated. Typically, sneezing isn’t the only symptom if a dog has dental problems. If you suspect dental problems, they may not be easily visible to a pet owner, so you should take your dog to the vet.
Sneezing can also be a sign of a pet having inhaled a foreign object. Sneezing is the pet’s body’s attempt to expel the object that they have inhaled. If you think a foreign object has become lodged in your pet’s airway, it’s important to take them to the emergency vet immediately. A foreign object obstructing the airway could prevent them from breathing and can be very dangerous.
If your dog or cat is only sneezing occasionally, it’s unlikely to need a vet visit. However, some signs should alert you that sneezing is a major concern and requires immediate medical attention.
In general, pet sneezing is something to be concerned about if the sneezing is persistent and frequent. It’s also of concern if it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as:
How a dog’s sneezing is treated depends entirely on what is causing it. There are many different causes of pet sneezing, so pet owners should not attempt to treat any sneezing without first diagnosing the cause of the sneezing.
Pet owners should pay attention to when their pet is sneezing to determine first if it’s normal behavior or if it’s something else. They should also look for other symptoms that accompany sneezing. Pet owners should also look for how their pet is sneezing. If it’s different from their normal sneezing, such as being more violent or more frequent. This information can be provided to the vet and will help the vet to determine what the cause of the sneezing is.
Depending on what is causing the sneezing, your vet may prescribe medication. If your pet has an upper respiratory infection that is causing sneezing, then antibiotics may help. If your pet has allergies, then the vet may prescribe an antihistamine. If your pet is taking other medication, it’s important to make sure the vet knows about it so that they prescribe medication that won’t interfere with what your pet is already taking.
Pet owners should keep their pet’s vaccinations up to date. If your pet is allergic to something, then you should make sure to limit their exposure to that. If it’s indoors, then keeping the pet’s area clean of potential irritants, such as aerosols or plants with pollen, could help to reduce sneezing. Pet owners should also make sure to keep small objects that could be inhaled away from pets, especially dogs since they like to sniff.
Pets are like family. Sometimes, though, we can’t take them with us when we travel and, like children, we occasionally need to leave them with a babysitter. For pets, a kennel can be a convenient and safe place to have your pet looked after while you’re away from home.
However, pets kept in close proximity to other animals may be more susceptible to contracting kennel cough. If your pet is coughing after leaving the kennel, it’s possible that they have kennel cough. Although kennel cough sounds terrible, it’s typically not a serious condition. In fact, most pets recover from it without needing treatment.
Kennel cough is an infectious respiratory disease most commonly associated with dogs, although other animals, including cats, can catch the disease as well. There’s no one cause of kennel cough. The term kennel cough can refer to any infectious respiratory disease caused by a bacteria or virus that gets into your pet’s lungs.
Bordetella bronchiseptica is a bacterium that is the most common of the possible causes of kennel cough. In fact, many people call kennel cough Bordetella for this reason. Often, if a dog becomes infected with Bordetella, the dog is also infected with another virus or bacteria, such as:
If a dog has contracted one of the above viruses, they are more susceptible to also contracting Bordetella.
One of the reasons kennel cough got its name is because it’s commonly spread in kennels and shelters. Dogs, cats, and other pets may come into contact with a lot of other animals during their stay in a kennel. If another animal there has kennel cough, there’s a greater chance that your pet could contract the virus too.
The symptoms of kennel cough can include:
Some dogs have a cough-like sound they make that’s called a reverse sneeze. This noise is normal and not a symptom of kennel cough. The cough from kennel cough is more reminiscent of a goose honk.
Other than the honking cough, some pets may not otherwise act like they are sick. Not all of the other symptoms may be present, but some pets do experience them. More than likely, your pet won’t have a loss of appetite or a decrease in energy.
Dogs and other animals can catch kennel cough by inhaling bacteria or other virus particles. The bacteria, such as Bordetella, get into their lungs, causing the cough. Normally, in dogs, the respiratory tract is protected from viruses and bacteria by a coating of mucus. The mucus coating traps infectious particles so they don’t get sick. However, there are some factors that can weaken the protection of this mucus coating.
There are a few things that can increase an animal’s risk of developing kennel cough. One of them is being in a kennel. This is because the bacteria that cause kennel cough are contagious and spread through close contact with other animals. Some kennels and shelters aren’t as well ventilated as they could be, which can also contribute.
Additional factors that contribute to an increased risk of developing kennel cough include:
This means that your pet may still be susceptible to kennel cough if you travel with your pet instead of boarding them.
In many cases, kennel cough goes away on its own after a while. Many pets recover from kennel cough with no treatment at all. However, because kennel cough is contagious, you’ll want to keep your pet away from other animals while it has kennel cough.
You can have your pet vaccinated against kennel cough prior to boarding them to eliminate the chances of them contracting the illness. The Bordetella vaccine is often required for pets to be boarded or participate in doggy daycares.
Typically, most pets recover from kennel cough with a few weeks of rest and don’t need treatment. However, some may experience more severe symptoms. If this is the case for your pet, then you should take them to the vet. The vet may prescribe cough medication to help ease the symptoms of kennel cough and antibiotics to prevent additional infections.
You never know when there might be an accident or emergency could arise that might affect your pet. For this reason, it’s an excellent idea to have a pet-specific first-aid kit on-hand. That way, you can quickly respond to anything that comes up. If you already have a pet first-aid kit, then you should double-check it to make sure that you have everything you need and that nothing inside it has expired.
The following are must-have items that you should put in your pet first-aid kit, which should be an easily transportable container.
Paperwork, including medical records, microchip information, and vaccination history, is a must for any pet first-aid kit. This is because any new vet you take your pet to will need to see their paperwork in order to provide the best possible care for your pet. Having hard copies is important if you are traveling with your pet or in the event that an emergency occurs and you don’t have power or access to your phone.
It’s also a good idea to include emergency contact numbers in case you’re in a situation in which you’re without your phone. These emergency contacts might include the phone number for your pet’s veterinarian and a local 24-hour emergency clinic. You should also have the animal poison control number on-hand.
The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year for any animal poison-related emergency. Call them at (888) 426-4435 for suspected poisonous substance ingestion.
Collapsible bowls can come in handy for both emergency and non-emergency situations. You never know when you’re going to need to give your pet food or water. This is especially true if you’re traveling or if you’re visiting family or friends. A collapsible water bowl can also be used to mix disinfectants like chlorhexidine in the event you need to care for a wound.
Look for a bowl that is 100% BPA-free, FDA approved, and dishwasher safe. The following are good options:
You should also keep some food and water in the first-aid kit, as well as some treats for your pet. That way, you’ve got some on hand, just in case. Keeping your pet well-fed and well-watered is part of keeping your pet healthy.
As with all the perishable items in your pet’s first aid kit, you should check periodically to replace any items that have passed their expiration date.
Do not feed pets who are vomiting, seizing, or who are unable to swallow.
If your pet has any medications, either prescribed or over-the-counter, it’s a good idea to have extra on-hand in your first-aid kit. You never know when you might not have access to your normal supply.
If your pet gets injured, you’ll want to be able to clean and dress the wound as well as you can before taking your pet to the vet. This means you’ll need gauze, scissors, and tape. The gauze can be used for bandaging a wound and stopping bleeding, but it can also be multi-purpose. It can help to splint a limb or even work as a makeshift muzzle in a pinch. The scissors are for cutting the gauze to the length that you need and the tape for keeping it in place.
Antibiotic ointment is good to have on hand to treat cuts and scratches. You’ll want to make sure that your pet doesn’t get an infection. It’s also a good idea to have hydrogen peroxide. It can be used to clean out wounds to prevent infection and may also help to induce vomiting if your pet has eaten something they shouldn’t. Don’t try to induce vomiting without talking to a vet or to poison control.
Other supplies you may want to include in your pet’s first aid kit include:
You never know when you’ll have a pet mess to clean up. Wet wipes or another type of grooming wipe can be helpful in cleaning up any bathroom messes that your pet may make as well as cleaning up your pet.
If your pet is injured and has an open wound you’ll want to have disposable gloves on hand. Using disposable gloves while providing minor first aid to your pet can help to keep the area clean and reduce the risk of infection.
In an emergency, your pet may not be the calmest. Having a blanket or a towel that you can wrap them in may help you to calm your pet down. Additionally, having a toy or other comfort item that your pet will love can also help to keep your pet happy and calm.
It’s a good idea to have an extra collar with identification and contact information available. If you have a dog, an extra leash and some spare poop bags can also be very useful.
Even if your pet doesn’t typically need a muzzle, a muzzle may be necessary during wound treatment. This is because pets may lash out when they’re in pain, even towards their owners. The best type of muzzle is one that prevents the pet from biting you but also allows the pet to easily breathe. A muzzle with a basket weave is the best type because it allows for the free flow of air while also stopping your pet from biting you or anything else.
A pet first aid kit should be easily portable in case of an emergency. While you can keep a smaller first aid kit for your pet that can easily fit into your purse or backpack, your dog’s age and lifestyle may require a larger back to store necessary supplies. An emergency first aid kit that accounts for natural disasters and other emergencies customized to your location may include larger items like a week’s worth of pet food and a collapsible litter box if you have a cat.
Your pet first aid kit, however, doesn’t need to be that extensive if you are using it for minor medical treatment.
Buying a pre-made pet first-aid kit can be a quick and easy way to gather many of the basic supplies you’ll need. However, it’s a good idea to personalize the first-aid kit by adding items that your pet, in particular, may need, such as paperwork, medications, treats, comfort items, and more.
The following are some recommended pre-made pet first-aid kits. Be sure to shop through so that you can support your preferred charity, including many excellent pet-related charities.
Your pet’s first aid kit should not act as the main form of treatment in the event your pet is injured or becomes sick. While a first aid kit can help you treat your pet while organizing medical care, you should always contact your veterinarian in the event of an emergency.
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Dec 18Facial swelling in dogs can have a range of causes, from benign to serious or even life-threatening. Different types of swelling may have different treatments, but regardless of what causes the swelling, you should take your dog to the vet as soon as possible.
If you notice that your dog’s face is swelling, take them to the vet right away. You should not try to diagnose your pet at home. It can be difficult for a pet owner to tell what is causing the swelling and if you don’t get it correct, then there’s a risk to your dog’s health and life. On top of that, if the swelling gets worse and reaches the dog’s throat, it could inhibit breathing. It’s best to take your dog to the vet right away so the vet can diagnose the swelling and treat it promptly.
Facial swelling in dogs can be caused by a variety of different things. These can range from allergies to dental problems to tumors. What the cause of the swelling is will determine the course of treatment to reduce the swelling.
Animals can have allergic reactions, just like humans can. Dogs can be allergic to some of the following:
An allergic reaction can spread to the windpipe and prevent your dog from breathing, so it’s vital to get your dog to the vet right away if you notice swelling, discoloration of the gums, difficulty breathing, or if your dog passes out. The vet’s treatment may depend on what caused the allergic reaction but may include antihistamines, a change in diet, steroids, or antibiotics.
If your dog has a gum infection, abscessed tooth, tooth infection, tooth fracture, or other dental problem, it can cause the face to swell. Other symptoms of dental problems can include:
The vet will need to treat the dental issue, which may involve removing a tooth or prescribing a round of antibiotics for your dog.
Tumors can be either benign or cancerous, but if they grow in the mouth or throat, they can cause facial swelling. Even if the tumor isn’t cancerous, it’s important for the vet to remove it. Other symptoms of a tumor can include bleeding, odor, and not eating.
A bite or other type of injury can turn into an abscess, which is a bacterial infection-caused tender mass that usually is filled with pus. An abscess can cause a dog’s face to swell, often in a lopsided way. Abscesses are very painful and may result in your dog refusing to eat or drink. A vet will treat an abscess with anti-inflammatory medication, antibiotics, or even surgical draining to remove the pus.
After you’ve taken your dog to the vet and your vet has diagnosed the cause of the swelling, it’s time for your dog’s treatment. Depending on the cause of the swelling, surgery may be involved. The vet may prescribe medication that you’ll need to give to your dog. Follow your vet’s instructions so that your dog receives the best possible care and can get healthy as quickly as possible.
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Nov 14Our pets are members of our families. Pet owners want to do everything they can for their furry four-legged family members. But sometimes, veterinary bills can be costly, making it difficult for pet owners to afford their pet’s healthcare, especially in an emergency situation. Pet insurance can help to alleviate some of the financial burden of an emergency vet visit, which pet owners may not be prepared for.
Pet insurance is like health insurance, but for your pet. Typically, pet owners with pet insurance will pay a monthly premium that adds up to a few hundred dollars each year. If a pet is injured or ill and requires veterinary treatment, the pet owner usually has to pay out of pocket, but can then file for reimbursement from the insurance company. How much is covered and what illnesses and injuries are covered may depend on the pet insurance policy.
While pet insurance is similar in many ways to health insurance, it does typically differ in how the insurance payouts work. While hospitals and clinics usually bill insurance for payment, with pet insurance, the pet owner generally has to pay up front. The pet insurance company will then reimburse the pet owner for what they paid, so long as the deductible has been met and the treatment is covered under the pet insurance policy.
If a pet becomes ill or is injured and the vet costs are high to treat the illness or injury, some pet parents don’t have the money to cover the bills. Some pet owners may have to decide between taking on debt to treat their pet or having their beloved pet put down. Pet insurance can help to cover the costs of an emergency vet bill, preventing pet owners from having to make such a devastating decision.
Pet insurance policies can differ depending on the insurance company offering them and also depending on the policy. Most pet insurance policies cover the following:
Hereditary conditions and chronic conditions are sometimes covered but sometimes aren’t. Whether they’re covered depends on the pet insurance company.
Pet insurance policies usually cover accidents and emergencies only. Generally, pet insurance does not cover vet visits and pet care that falls under the wellness category.
Common pet insurance exclusions often include:
Before selecting a pet insurance plan, you should shop around to see what each insurance company covers. Some may cover preexisting or hereditary health conditions, particularly if they are curable, while others may not. Depending on the pet insurance company, you may be able to add on extra insurance to cover some normal exclusions.
How much pet insurance costs depends on the insurance company. Typically pet insurance is a monthly cost that adds up to around a few hundred dollars per year. This works out to around $40 per month. The monthly cost will vary depending on your policy. Pet insurance also typically carries a deductible, which, depending on the plan, can range from no deductible to a deductible of up to $1000.
Depending on the pet insurance company, you may be able to add on extra coverage for medical treatments not normally included on the average policy.
The premiums pet owners pay for pet insurance depend on several different factors. These can include:
The type of pet you have can impact how much the pet insurance premiums cost. For example, dogs, male animals, older animals, and larger animals are usually more expensive to insure than cats, smaller animals, younger animals, and female animals.
The most important thing to do is research. Pet insurance isn’t like health insurance offered by an employer that may have limited options. You’ll have your choice of different insurance companies and policies. However, you’ll need to make sure that your vet will accept your pet insurance and find a policy that both works for your budget and will cover everything you need for your pet.
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Oct 25Welcoming a dog into your family is an exciting time. However, the idea of training a dog can be intimidating for first-time dog owners. Obedience classes can only do so much and while they do help train your dog, there is still some training dog owners will have to do themselves at home. These tips can help new dog owners better train their new furry family member.
If you’ve adopted a puppy, this is the perfect time to start training them not to jump up. While it may be cute as a puppy, it’s usually not a desired behavior in adult dogs, so training in it now is important. The best way to do this is to not pay attention to your puppy until all four of their paws are on the ground. This will teach them that if they want your attention, they can’t jump up to get it.
Socialization is the process of making sure that your dog is used to a wide variety of places, people, and other dogs. The more experience your dog has around other people and other dogs as well as in new places, the more comfortable they will be as an adult. Dogs that aren’t well socialized as puppies can exhibit undesirable behaviors like aggression, excessive barking, and fear as adults.
House training is often the most important thing for new pet owners. They understandably don’t want their pets relieving themselves indoors. However, some techniques, such as scolding or rubbing the puppy’s nose in the mess after an accident aren’t productive. Instead, your puppy will just be confused or even scared. It’s much better to reward successes than it is to punish accidents.
In fact, rewarding success, in general, is the best way to train your dog. Providing treats and praise rather than punishing failure will help your dog learn better and also be more comfortable with you.
Crate training is an important part of training a dog. The crate can give your dog a safe space that is just theirs. Plus, it can also help you to house train your dog. Dogs usually won’t relieve themselves in the place where they sleep, so your puppy will get used to holding it in. However, you should avoid putting your dog in the crate as a punishment. Otherwise, your puppy will associate the crate with being bad and won’t feel safe and secure there.
Punishment for failure, in general, is generally not recommended. Yelling can just confuse your dog rather than reinforce the good behavior you want.
Train your dog at the same time every day. This will help your dog feel more comfortable training because they’ll know what to expect. Having a schedule is also particularly helpful with house training. Having meals at a scheduled time every day and then taking your dog outside to relieve themselves right afterward is the best way to train your dog to go outside to use the bathroom.
If you want to teach your dog commands, it’s vital to teach the most important ones first. The commands and tricks that your dog learns first will be the ones they’ll remember the best. In fact, these will be the actions they do if you’re training them in a new command and they don’t know what to do.
It’s important to stick with the same established rules. If you don’t want your dog on the couch as an adult, don’t let the dog on the couch as a puppy. Your dog will just get confused if they get used to certain rules only to have them change later on. The same rule goes for commands. You should stay consistent with the words you use. That way, your dog can learn to associate specific words with the behavior that you want to see.
One of the most important things you can do in training your dog is to be patient. They’re learning and that can take a while. Plus, some breeds learn faster than others. Your dog might get distracted or forget. Don’t get angry when they make a mistake. Instead, correct the behavior and then make sure to reward successes.
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