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Pros and Cons of Adopting a Rescue

By July 25, 2022 August 5th, 2022 Cats, Dogs, Uncategorized
Pros and Cons of Adopting a Rescue

Having a pet can be a very rewarding experience. Where you adopt your new pet from, however, can really matter. Some people feel better adopting from a breeder while others swear by adopting only rescue pets. So long as where you adopt from is ethical, there’s no one right answer. Before you decide, you should learn the pros and cons of adopting a rescue.

Why Should You Adopt From a Shelter?

volunteers working at an animal shelter holding a pug dog

There are millions of animals that are taken into shelters each year. Some of these animals may be at risk of never being adopted or even being put down. Adopting a rescue could help save an animal’s life while simultaneously freeing up space at the shelter for another animal that needs it. But that doesn’t mean that adopting a rescue is for everyone.

You Could Save an Animal’s Life

One of the biggest benefits of adopting a rescue is that you could be saving the animal’s life. While no shelter wants to euthanize animals, they often have no choice due to the sheer number of animals that they care for. Any animal adopted from a shelter not only saves that animal in particular but also frees up more space in the shelter to help additional animals.

Your Rescue May Already Be Trained

a woman training a corgi dog to do a trick

One of the hardest parts about owning a puppy or a kitten is having to train them. With a rescue, however, this is often already done by the previous owner or by the shelter itself. Having a new pet that is already housebroken can make the transition a lot easier for everyone.

You Could Save Money

No matter what, adopting a pet will cost money. You’ll have to pay for food, toys, visits to the vet, and more. But you can save money by adopting a rescue. There are fees involved with adopting from a shelter, but they’re typically much less than buying from a breeder. Plus, many shelters will have discount days or days on which the fees are waived in order to encourage more adoptions.

A Rescue May Have Fewer Health Problems

Some purebred dogs come with health issues that are specific to that breed. For example, some larger breeds of dogs are more prone to hip dysplasia and some breeds with flatter faces suffer from breathing problems. Rescue dogs tend to be mixed breeds. An advantage of this is that they’re much less likely to have any health conditions associated with a breed, even if that breed is included in the mix.

Rescue Animals Are Appreciative

a ginger cat laying on their owner’s lap, purring while being petted

Some rescue animals have had bad experiences in their pasts. Even if they haven’t, a shelter isn’t the most loving environment. This isn’t the fault of the people who work there, who often love animals, but simply because there are so many animals in shelters that workers have to focus on their basic needs first. They do their best to love every animal, but it’s not the same as having a family. This means that rescue animals are often more appreciative of having an owner or a family.

You Can Reduce Puppy Mills

Puppy mills are breeders that don’t treat their animals very well, often keeping them in overcrowded, unsanitary cages. These puppy mills will continue to exist so long as they’re making a profit, so if you adopt a rescue, you’ll be putting your money towards a better cause.

Why Shouldn’t You Adopt a Rescue?

Adopting a rescue from a shelter isn’t for everyone. It’s important to be aware of the possible downsides before you begin the adoption process.

Shelter Dogs Are Usually Mixed-Breeds

If you’re into dog shows or dog breeding, then a shelter dog most likely isn’t for you. Most shelter dogs are mixed breeds and won’t be suitable for that purpose. It’s possible you won’t know the breed at all. However, mixed breeds are great options for pet owners who just want to add a dog to their family.

Shelter Animals May Not Be Ideal for FIrst-Time Pet Owners

First-time pet owners may not want to adopt a dog or cat from a shelter because their health and behavioral histories may be unknown. Some shelter animals may have problems that first-time owners may have difficulty dealing with. Experienced pet owners may have an easier time helping shelter animals.

It Can Be Difficult to Find a Puppy or a Kitten

four kittens, two orange and two black, playing in a garden

Those wanting to adopt a puppy or a kitten may have difficulty adopting one from a shelter. Shelter animals are often adult animals and while puppies and kittens can be found there, it’s not common. Adopting an adult animal does usually mean that they’ve already been housebroken and trained so you won’t have to do that yourself.

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