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Important Phone Numbers for Pet Owners

By May 19, 2021 July 14th, 2021 Cats, Dogs
Two dogs running on a dirt road

Growing up in the United States, we learned from a young age that 911 is who to call for emergencies. Parents hiring a babysitter make sure to leave important phone numbers for where they can be reached as well as emergency contact numbers if need be. Modern smartphones allow users to program in emergency contacts and dial emergency numbers without even needing to log into the device.

But all of those features are for emergencies involving humans. What about emergencies affecting pets? Knowing the right numbers to call is just as important for the furry members of your family as it is for the rest. These are the phone numbers pet owners should know.

Your Veterinarian’s Phone Number

 A cat at a vet’s office with a vet using a stethoscope to listen to the cat’s heart

Perhaps the most important phone number for you to know is your vet’s number. If there’s a medical emergency involving your pet, you’ll want to have your vet’s number on hand so you can easily call. Not all vets offer emergency care, however.

If your regular vet doesn’t offer emergency services, then ensure you have the phone number of a vet who does. They are your go-to backup in case of an emergency that happens outside of normal office hours.

At Dr. Phillip’s Animal Hospital, our safe and affordable veterinary services are available seven days a week, with extended emergency hours. Feel free to call us at (407) 352-2579.

The Poison Control Phone Number

No matter how hard you try, the minute you turn your head, your pet could eat something they shouldn’t.

While the majority of what a pet may eat may be harmless, some foods and plants can be toxic to certain animals. In such cases, you should call poison control at (888) 426-4435. You can also arrange a consultation with a toxicologist. This will cost about $65.

The Emergency Disaster Information Phone Number

The American Humane Association has an emergency information phone number for disasters at (800) 227-4645. You can call this number for information and support if a natural disaster has occurred where you live.

It’s not an official hotline, but you’ll reach a live person who can provide you with information and provide directions for where to go or what to do next.

The Spay/Neuter Helpline Phone Number

It is important your pets are spayed or neutered. This is because there is a surplus of animals in shelters waiting to be adopted.

Unless you’re planning to responsibly breed your pets, it’s best to have them spayed or neutered to protect the animals in shelters.

There is a national referral service you can contact at (800) 248-7729. They will help you find free or inexpensive spay and neuter services.

The Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Phone Number

The Animal Legal Defense Fund is a non-profit organization that can help you with legal questions regarding your pets.

These questions can include those regarding pets in your will, custody of pets in the event of a divorce, animal abuse or neglect, landlord pet requirements, and more. The ALDF’s phone number is (707) 795-2533.

The Pet Travel Hotline Phone Number

Dog in a pet carrier for travel

The Pet Travel Hotline is offered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, at (800) 545 USDA.

It can help you to ensure that you’ve got all of your bases covered when you travel with your pets. This hotline can help you find resources for traveling with your pets, connecting you with licensed pet transporters, and assisting you if you suspect your pet was treated inhumanely by a travel organization (such as an airline).

The ASPCA Pet Loss Hotline Phone Number

Pets are members of our families. Unfortunately, pet owners will have to face the loss of their pets at some point. The ASPCE offers a Pet Loss Hotline at (877) 474-3310 that can help pet owners deal with grief and loss.

The Animal Behavior Hotline Phone Number

Although we consider our pets to be family members, they don’t speak the same language we do and it can be difficult to know if something is wrong with your pet.

If you have questions about your pet’s behavior, call (312) 644-8338 about anything from aggressive behavior and chewing to separation anxiety.

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