When you think of the dangers of tick bites, the first thing the comes to mind is probably Lyme disease. Lyme disease can affect humans and animals alike. But it’s also not the only disease borne by ticks that can cause dangers to animals. Tick bites can also cause tick paralysis in animals. But what, exactly, is tick paralysis, and how is it dangerous to your pets?
What Causes Tick Paralysis?
Tick paralysis occurs when a tick bites an animal. When a tick bites a dog, cat, or another animal, it releases a powerful toxin through its saliva. This toxin enters the animal’s bloodstream. From there, the toxin makes its way into the animal’s nervous system.
What Is Tick Paralysis?
Tick paralysis is, as its name suggests, a form of paralysis caused by the toxins released into the bloodstream by a tick’s saliva after a tick bite. The toxin paralyzes the cat or dog’s lower motor neurons, which control the muscles. With these neurons paralyzed, muscles will be in an apparent constant state of relaxation. This results in the animal being unable to move—hence paralysis.
Tick paralysis more commonly affects dogs than cats but can affect both animals.
What Are the Symptoms of Tick Paralysis?
Symptoms of tick paralysis usually begin to appear between 6 and 9 days following the tick bite. Symptoms can come on gradually. If your dog or cat has recently been in a wooded area, then you’ll want to keep an eye out for the following symptoms of tick paralysis:
- Unsteadiness
- Regurgitation
- Vomiting
- Rapid heart rate
- Fast heart rhythm
- High blood pressure
- Loss of movement in the muscles (either partial or complete)
- Muscle weakness, especially occurring in the hind legs
- Voice disorder
- Trouble eating
- Reduced reflexes
- Complete loss of reflexes
- Drooling to an excessive degree
- Asphyxiation (caused by paralyzed respiratory muscles)
- Dilated pupils in the eyes
- Decreased muscle tone
- Enlargement of the esophagus
What Are the Dangers Associated With Tick Paralysis?
If a cat or dog has tick paralysis and the symptoms progress to an advanced stage, it can be extremely dangerous and even life-threatening. Tick paralysis can prevent an animal from moving, even to eat or to breathe.
If you suspect that your pet has been bitten by a tick, or if it’s exhibiting any symptoms of tick paralysis, it’s important to seek medical attention with your veterinarian as quickly as possible. The later stages of tick paralysis constitute a medical emergency.
Suspect your pet has tick paralysis?
How Is Tick Paralysis Treated?
It’s vital to take your pet to the vet at the first sign of tick paralysis. Sometimes, pets can die from it, even with timely intervention.
Can You Treat Tick Paralysis at Home?
The first step in treating tick paralysis is to check your dog or cat for ticks and remove all that you find. This will prevent even more toxins from being released into your pet’s bloodstream. Even if you find no ticks, it’s a good idea to bathe your pet with insecticidal shampoo.
In less severe cases, these two steps may be the only steps required. It’s always a good idea to take your dog or cat to the vet, however, to ensure that they’ll be fine.
Is Hospitalization Required to Treat Tick Paralysis?
In more severe cases of tick paralysis, emergency medical attention may be needed. Your pet may need hospitalization so that the vet can provide emergency intensive care. This is especially important if your pet is experiencing respiratory failure because of tick paralysis. In this case, the vet may need to provide your pet with supplemental oxygen.
How Can You Help Your Pet Recover from Tick Paralysis?
Once your pet has been released from the vet and is starting to recover, you can help your dog or cat by encouraging them to rest. Too much exercise can inhibit recovery. Your pet needs to stay cool and not do anything that will raise their temperature. If your pet has difficulty eating, your vet will advise you on how best to feed your pet as they recover. You shouldn’t feed them normal food during the recovery period.